Thank you for your contribution to ICOBTE–ICHMET 2023

Instructions for session chairs

Before the session

  1. Please make sure to check the session that you are chairing (date, time, room, and the details of the presentations, names and number of presenters).
  2. Please arrive at the correct room of the session at least 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the session.
  3. Please confirm the attendance of each presenter before starting the session and send her/him to the technical helper for uploading her/his .pptx file.
  4. If there are any problems with the audio-visual equipment, please seek assistance of the technical assistant (in each session room, at least one technical assistant is assigned).
  5. Please ensure that the session starts precisely at the advertised time.
  6. Each presentation has a maximum 15 minutes time slot, which will contain 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions and discussion.
  7. Please make sure to end the session precisely at the advertised time.

During the session

  1. The main responsibility of each session chair is to strictly follow the time schedule! This allows participants switching between sessions.
  2. Please shortly introduce yourself to the audience.
  3. Please give the following instructions to the audience: (a) maximum time of 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions; (b) timing procedure: the orange “2 min left” sign board at 10 minutes after starting each presentation and the red “Time-out” sign board when the time is over (at 12 minutes after starting each presentation); (c) information if there were recent changes to the published program plan.
  4. At the beginning of each presentation, please introduce the presenter and the title of the presentation.
  5. If a presenter does not show up, please do NOT continue with the next presentation. Instead, you may initiate a scientific discussion about the previous presentations or make a break and continue according to the given schedule.
  6. If there is time left after completing all the presentations: (a) please initiate a discussion of topics relevant to the presentations and/or (b) if the session continues, give information about starting time.